Tag Archives: RF Publications

Presenting a paper at EUMW 2014

RF Microwave Measurements

I’m pleased to announce that my paper got accepted for publication at this year’s European Microwave Week (EuMW2014) http://www.eumweek.com/. If you are interested on more updates on RF Microwave Measurements, sign-up for my Newsletter!


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Having attended previous events of the EUMW I can state that it’s definitely a premium event and provides a great opportunity to stay in touch with the international research community. Participating at the knowledge exchange that takes place at such conferences is a great pleasure for me. My contribution to this year’s event will be for the European Microwave Integrated Circuit (EuMiC) conference.

The paper that I will present is entitled “Integrated RF transformer and power combiner design in 150nm CMOS process” and is scheduled for Session EuMIC01 – Modelling and Design of Active and Passive MMIC Components.

This work is a joint paper with the Institute for Electronics Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremeberg. It is always a pleasure for me to collaborate with international researches in order to promote RF Microwave Measurements and design techniques.  I’m looking forward meeting you all in Rome, Italy Oct. 5-10 2014.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Upcoming publication at ISQED 2013

I’m pleased to announce an upcoming publication at the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design, Santa Clara, California, March 4-6, 2013 (ISQED). Stay tuned for updates on this paper.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop