Tag Archives: Microwave Measurements

Online RF Shop

RF Microwave Measurements

Hello my RF Microwave Measurements fellows,

I’m pleased to announce the launch of my first RF Shop. The ambition here is to provide you with educative material on the field on RF Microwave Measurements, as a result of my accumulated experience over several years in academia and industry.

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A preview of the material covered in the offered tutorials is also presented in the following video tutorial on RF Microwave Measurements. Have a look…

RF Microwave Measurements – Tutorials

No matter whether you are a undergrad student, Ph.D. student… or even a Professor. We are all looking for in depth understanding of RF Microwave Measurements.

My priority is to educate and interact with people on the subject of RF Microwave Measurements. All tutorials offered in the RF Shop are just a subset of the topics covered by the RF Workshops that I offer. I’m looking forward receiving your feedback on that.

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

As an enthusiastic Microwave Engineer, I’m looking forward getting in touch with globally active professionals and scientists from the RF and Microwave Measurements community. My passion on RF and Microwave Measurements comes from my background as a Microwave Engineer with a Ph.D on microwave circuit design and characterization techniques.

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Presenting a paper at EUMW 2014

RF Microwave Measurements

I’m pleased to announce that my paper got accepted for publication at this year’s European Microwave Week (EuMW2014) http://www.eumweek.com/. If you are interested on more updates on RF Microwave Measurements, sign-up for my Newsletter!


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Having attended previous events of the EUMW I can state that it’s definitely a premium event and provides a great opportunity to stay in touch with the international research community. Participating at the knowledge exchange that takes place at such conferences is a great pleasure for me. My contribution to this year’s event will be for the European Microwave Integrated Circuit (EuMiC) conference.

The paper that I will present is entitled “Integrated RF transformer and power combiner design in 150nm CMOS process” and is scheduled for Session EuMIC01 – Modelling and Design of Active and Passive MMIC Components.

This work is a joint paper with the Institute for Electronics Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nuremeberg. It is always a pleasure for me to collaborate with international researches in order to promote RF Microwave Measurements and design techniques.  I’m looking forward meeting you all in Rome, Italy Oct. 5-10 2014.

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Reviewer at European Microwave Week 2014

RF Microwave Measurements

This year’s European Microwave Week (EuMW) October 5-10 2014,  is taking place in Rome, Italy  and I’m pleased to announce that I have been selected for the panel of reviewers. This is the second consecutive year that I have been selected to be a member of the reviewer panel. Being among the reviewers for such a prestigious conference is a recognition of my efforts so far in the field of RF Microwave Measurements and RF Microwave engineering.

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My contribution as a reviewer concerns the European Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC) conference which is part of the EuMW. Once again a first class opportunity to stay in touch with the international research community and be up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of microwave  and mm-wave integrated circuits. I hope to see you all at this year’s event for some quality discussions. Feel free to contact directly at the event or drop me a message before the event.

Let’s arrange a meeting and find out about our common interests! I’m Looking forward hearing from you.

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

RF Microwave Measurements – Spectrum Analyzer

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The RF Microwave Measurements tutorials are addressed to all individuals and professionals who want to get a comprehensive understanding on the characterization of RF Microwave circuits and devices. In this short tutorial we explain the basics of AC signal analysis and the Spectrum Analyzer equipment. Stay tuned on my YouTube channel for more material.

Are you facing challenges with Spectrum Analyzer Measurements? Do you want to get insight of the principles behind it? Take a look at the video tutorial…

Hera are some examples of questions that are covered in the video tutorial…

  • Time vs Frequency Domain – Oscilloscope vs Spectrum Analyzer?
  • How do you transform one domain into the other?
  • What is the architecture of a sweeping IF Spectrum Analyzer?
  • Is my Spectrum Analyzer capturing signals in real-time?

Do you need an RF Microwave Measurements Tutorial?

Take a look at the Spectrum Analyzer Tutorial offered on this blog…

Do you want more RF Microwave Measurements?

Book now an online Skype Training Session training on RF Microwave Measurements…

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Online tutorial on RF Microwave Measurements

RF Microwave Measurements

Stay tuned for more updates on RF Microwave Measurements and sign-up for my Newsletter!


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This tutorial is aiming to address some basic principles of RF Microwave Measurements. The tutorial is covering network analyzer theory, calibration, de-embedding and is a short preview of the  RF & Microwave Measurements Workshop. The major topics covered by the workshop are summarized below.

  • What is the internal architecture of a Vector Network Analyzer?
  • What are Scattering Parameters and can I use them for non-linear networks?
  • What exactly is a calibration routine and why do we need it?
  • How do you validate a calibration with a Network Analyzer?
  • How do you design the proper de-embedding structures for a PCB?

I hope you find this material interesting and I’m looking forward receiving your feedback on that. Feel free to sign-up for my Newsletter and get the latest news and updates on RF Microwave Measurements.

Do you need a RF Microwave Measurements Tutorial?

Take a look at the Network Analyzer Tutorial offered here…

Do you want more?

Book now an online Skype Training Session training…

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Impressions from Berkeley and Stanford

RF Microwave Measurements – Impressions

Stay tuned for more updates on RF Microwave Measurements and sign-up for my Newsletter!


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My trip to the San Francisco Bay Area is coming to an end and it is time to summarize the impressions so far. Attending the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED) was an overall nice experience and allowed me to reach out to other scientists active in the RF Microwave semiconductor business.

My contribution to this year’s event is entitled ‘RF Passive Device Modeling and Characterization in 65nm CMOS Technology’ and deals with the design and characterization of CMOS silicon integrated passives. The associated RF Microwave Measurements were an essential part of this publication.

Take a look at the Publications page of this blog for more details…

I also had the opportunity to visit the Stanford campus and take a tour at the facilities of the Electrical Engineering department. I must say that the campus itself is pretty impressive and provides the proper environment needed for high quality research.

This academic endeavor concluded with a visit to the equally impressive Berkeley campus and the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC), where I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with its researchers. Taking a tour at their microwave measurements laboratories was a nice experience and rounded up in the best possible way this week in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Filed under RF & Microwave Workshop

Reviewer at European Microwave Week 2013

RF Microwave Measurements

This year’s European Microwave Week (EuMW) October 6-11, 2013,  is held in Nuremberg, Germany  and I’m pleased to announce that I have been selected for the panel of reviewers. My contribution as a reviewer concerns the European Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC) conference which is part of the EuMW. This is a first class opportunity to stay in touch with the international research community and be up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of microwave integrated circuits.

Stay tuned for more updates and Sign-Up for the RF Microwave Measurements Newsletter!


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My contribution as a reviewer concerns the European Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC) conference which is part of the EuMW. Once again a first class opportunity to stay in touch with the international research community and be up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of microwave  and mm-wave integrated circuits.

RF Microwave Measurements – why to follow?

Stay tuned on my blog RF Microwave Measurements and get the latest news and updates. Educative material and tutorials will be added on a regular basis.

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Filed under Publications, RF & Microwave Workshop

Presenting a paper at ISQED 2013

I’m pleased to announce that I’m going to present my paper at the ISQED event in Santa Clara, California US, March 4-6 2013. The paper is entitled “RF Passive Device Modeling and Characterization in 65 nm CMOS Technology” and will be presented at a regular ISQED session. This is a first class opportunity to reach out to other scientists and engineers active in the semiconductor business and participate in the knowledge exchange that takes place at such international events. Furthermore, I’m planning to visit the electronics institutes in Stanford and Berkeley to get an insight in some of the most prolific research labs around the world. Looking forward to meeting interesting people in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.

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