On-Wafer Microwave Measurements and De-embedding
What an amazing journey has this been. After two years of hard work here we are today! On-Wafer Microwave Measurements and
De-embedding is published by Artech House (ISBN: 978-1-63081-056-6). I’m proud to announce the official release of my first RF/Microwave book.
That moment when you hold your book for the first time in your hand! Thank you @Artechhouse https://t.co/YowY5Oku69pic.twitter.com/PlqryWcFEF
— Errikos Lourandakis (@E_Lourandakis) August 16, 2016
This new authoritative resource presents the basics of network analyzer measurement equipment and troubleshooting errors involved in the on-wafer microwave measurement process. This book bridges the gap between theoretical and practical information using real-world practices that address all aspects of on-wafer passive device characterization in the microwave frequency range up to 60GHz. Readers find data and measurements from silicon integrated passive devices fabricated and tested in advanced CMOS technologies.
Basic circuit equations, terms and fundamentals of time and frequency domain analysis are covered. This book also explores the basics of vector network analyzers (VNA), two port S-parameter measurement routines, signal flow graphs, network theory, error models and VNA calibrations with the use of calibration standards.
“Dr. Lourandakis demystifies the art of on-wafer measurements by offering a solid theoretical foundation along with a wealth of practical guidelines to help researchers and lab professionals characterize silicon devices for numerous high-speed applications ranging from 5G RFICs, to automotive radars, to multi-Gbps SoCs.”
Dr. Yorgos Koutsoyannopoulos, CEO Helic, Inc.
“This book provides an excellent narrative for those engineers wishing to understand on-wafer calibration techniques from the absolute basics up to an advanced level. The early chapters build up from the operation of the vector network analyser and the basics of calibration steadily advancing to on-wafer calibration algorithms such as TRL and LRM and de-embedding routines. Finally their application in DUT measurements for active and passives on silicon are covered but much of this transposes to other substrates including GaAs. This is certainly a book I would recommend to my students as a primer for on-wafer device measurement and as a prelude to parameter extraction and device modelling.”
Dr. Robin Sloan, Professor of Millimetre-wave Electronics, University of Manchester
“On-Wafer Microwave Measurements and De-embedding offers its readers a complete understanding of on-wafer vectorial network analyzer measurement techniques. Errikos Lourandakis presents a clear, precise, and elegant document to master all the techniques related to on-wafer vectorial network measurements. The author is testifying a great pedagogy by numerous concrete examples making this book an important supplement in educating RF and microwave engineers. Any engineer desiring to work with a microwave/ RF probe station should own this book.”
Dr. Tibault Reveyrand, Research Associate and Lecturer at University of Colorado, Boulder