Author Archives: Errikos Lourandakis

On-Wafer Measurements and Calibration – part II

Ok, you tumbled over my On-Wafer Measurements and Calibration – part I blog post and have already some first idea of what we are talking about….

You have your setup ready, your cables and probes mounted on the probe station and want to proceed?


Well, you are ready to go and all you need is to calibrate properly your Network Analyzer. Now you want to get in more depth and need to understand better the concept of Calibration and how to set up your Network Analyzer?

Let’s begin with the definition of Calibration and what is the impact for your Network Analyzer… In order to put it in simple words, Calibration is the mathematical procedure of removing imperfection in the test system and is performed prior to the actual device under test (DUT) measurements!

How to perform On-Wafer Calibration?

Ok, here is the deal… you need proper calibration standards that will be provided by the probe manufacturer. Usually, it comes in the form of a ceramic substrate with printed gold patterns on it. Those patterns form well defined devices, called here calibration standards, whose electrical performance is known.

To get an idea of how this looks like… here is an example of an ISS (Impedance Standard Substrate) from Cascade Microtech.

ISS Calibration Substrate [Courtesy of Cascade Microtech]

ISS Calibration Substrate [Courtesy of Cascade Microtech]

The core standards that are printed on the calibration substrate are OPEN, SHORT, THRU and LOAD standards.

Those standards together with the parasitics from the RF probes to be used will be the most significant input parameters in the calibration process.

Well, we got it, we need all that for the calibration procedure… but how is the calibration performed?

Thruth is, there are several calibration routines available that rely on different error models and terms. Short-Open-Load-Thru (SOLT), Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL), and Line-Reflect-Reflect-Match (LRRM) are probably the most used calibration routines out there.

We shall not dive here into all the details of each calibration algorithm, this would be way beyond the scope of these posts. The backbone of all the calibration routines is to measure the aforementioned well know calibration standards and perform a set of calculations for the associated error terms.

Ok, let’s assume you performed the calibration at your best and want to validate the results… Hmm, what can you do to validate a calibration?

Remember, the calibration will move the electrical reference plane at your probe tips, in other words… the calibrated measurements will appear as they are launched directly at your probe tips. In this context, one safe procedure is to measure some of the verification structures on the calibration substrate.

Validation of On-Wafer Calibration

Here is my advice, after you have performed the calibration raise your probes in the air and measure the reflection coefficient S11 and S22 with the Network Analyzer. LRRM_Open_Air

What do you expect to get? Well, since you measure an OPEN you would like to see a perfect reflection… translated to S-parameters you would expect |S11| –> 0 dB.

In practice when your S11, S22 reflection look like that and is within the boundaries of -0.1dB and 0.1dB … you should be fine!


If you want to get deeper into that… measure the Open Stub T-line at the lower part of the ISS in a 1-port configuration.

Your S11 in this case should look like this when observed in the Smith Chart. You want to see a trace that moves inwards and in clockwise direction on the Smith Chart. No crossovers and obviously… no trace outside of the Smith Chart.

Make sure your validation measurements look like that…. and your calibration is done!

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On-Wafer Measurements and Calibration – part I

How to do On-Wafer RF Measurements?

When it comes to on-wafer device characterization you have to start from the Device Under Test (DUT) and be aware of its properties and the actual metrics you want to capture. What does your DUT look like? Is it an inductor, capacitor, or transmission line with two RF ports or is it a multiport device, e.g. a transfomer, balun, coupler?

Your device will largely dictate you how to design your experiment in order to properly characterize the DUT.


Ok, got it…. let’s assume you know that you will be dealing with 2-port devices and you want to capture S-parameter for the DUT.

One may say “well, no big deal I’ll take a Network Analyzer and capture the S-parameter over the desired frequency range”, well yes that’s a very plain description of it.

How does this look like for RF On-Wafer Measurements?

Keep in mind that you need an interface for contacting your device terminals. Your RF probe that will be attached to your coaxial cables and Network Analyzer has a very strict geometry for the probe tips. That’s why you need to design carefully your experiment.


In practice your on-wafer device will look similar to that… Your actual device will be interconnected by metal traces to a box with the proper pads configuration, e.g. Ground-Signal-Ground (GSG) for a 2-port device.

Hmmm, you may raise a brow and say “but that’s not my actual device, I want to characterize just the inductor itself and not the funny thing you have designed here…”

At this point you realize that your actual DUT has somehow changed in order to be characterized properly with an on-wafer measurement setup.

Well, it is about time to talk about the concepts of Calibration and De-embedding and what impact that has for your measurements.

No hurry, we will go through this step by step… just stay tuned!

So you have to do On-Wafer RF Measurements  with a Network Analyzer and a need a proper Calibration? Don’t be scared… it’s not black magic, here are the basic steps to it

Semi-Automatic Probe Station Setup for On-Wafer Microwave Measurements

On-Wafer RF Microwave Measurements Setup

  • Mount your RF probes properly and connect with the coaxial cables the Network Analyzer.
  • Place the contact substrate on the probe station chuck and ensure planarity for your RF probes.
  • Place and align your calibration substrate on the probe station chuck and set your probe tip skating.

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Look out for the On-Wafer Measurements and Calibration – part II … where you get to know about On-Wafer Calibration!

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RF Measurements Newsletter

The RF Measurements Newsletter is here!

RF NewsletterWell, it was about time for the RF Measurements Newsletter. I’m reaching out to you RF folks, in order to spread valuable knowledge on the topic of RF Microwave Measurements.

What’s the idea behind the Newsletter? It all comes down to spreading the knowledge on RF Microwave Measurements. I know the situation, have been there myself. You are new to this topic of RF Measurements and want to get your feet wet?

Academic textbooks or app notes are not good enough for you?

In that case you may want to follow this blog and subscribe to the RF Measurements Newsletter. Online tutorials, training materials and my latest offers on customized training will be distributed through the RF Newsletter. Make sure you don’t miss it!

Have a look at the menu of this month’s RF Newsletter!

I’m looking forward to receiving some feedback from you guys. Feel free to contact me and share any comments you might have on the RF Measurements Newsletter and its content!

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